
with just a touch of oregano and a parsley stem

den här sången har så bedårande text.
vi lyssnar och sjunger med vetja!

Tim, wish you were born a girl,
So I could've been your boyfriend.
I know it's not possible now.
I just never met a girl I like half as much as you.

And we could lay around in bed, stay there all day,
Or at least until the afternoon
And I could make you spaghetti with tomato sauce
With just a touch of oregano and a parsley stem.

And then when you got sick,
I could take the day off work.
I could've made you chicken soup,
And we could watch soap operas
– oh, those TV dramas!
I could catch your cold
and you could take care of me.

If I could've met you at school, or met you at work,
It would have changed everything.
Those years of losing, confusion and insecurity,
They would have been shared,
they would have been easier.

Tim, wish you were born a girl,
So I could've been your fiancé.
I'm not saying you can't be all these things for me,
But it's just not the same because you're a man,
and so am I.


idag har jag lånat hem 3 par glasögon.
inte för att ha hela tiden.
men ibland.
det är mycket viktigt att ha till exempel glasögon när man sitter långt bort och ska se någonting.
för jag ser väldigt dåligt på långt håll. och det fungerar inte.
michelle sa att jag också kan ha dem när vi tar promenader i gummistövlar senare i höst. visst!
hur som helst.

Vilka tycker ni är finast?

bruna från epos.

gula från tom ford.

rosa från oliver peoples.

which ones?

Metro Mode Club

metro mode rekommenderar

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